Thursday, April 30, 2009


For all you morons out there, *cough* Queef Uzbekistank *cough* you should not use real shit for your diarrhea soup. use CHOCOLATE. but hey if shits ur thing go for it and tell me how it is.
-End Disclaimer

As shitstorm I declare that the last day of April was very shitty. It shit rain. But...everything is green.

Boston is losing right now and so are the yankees. This is good. This means the yankees won't beat the red sox in the standings.

Let's talk about graduation commencements:

Syracuse University gests Joe Biden


and my rinky dinky fuckin school gets the Senator that took Hilary Clintons place. who the fuck gives a shit. I don't even know who she is. No one does and you know what NO ONE CARES. Good job Fredonia. Way to be cheap and lame. Awesome. I'm so glad I wasted my time here at this school. Thanks for all the opportunities and the education tho.

Also. The news needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP. about the swine flu aka N1H1 or whatever. If they keep talking about it and telling everyone to be careful, don't go outside, these are symptoms over and over. People are going to be come hypochondriacs and make it up that they have the fuckng flu. So ok we got it it's out there everyone be careful now shut up. We're going to be a nation of paranoid freaks or worse it's gonna turn into the movie Outbreak or some shit.

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